about us

We are connectors by nature.

And we believe you’re only as good as the company you keep.

That’s why we anchor ourselves in: 

Clients and causes we believe in.
dynamic partnerships rooted where you live and work.
meaningful story ideation and sharing.
Original thinking and clever strategies to help you rise above the noise.

Deeply rooted in Nashville. Rooting for the brands we love.

At Parthenon PR, we are relationship-focused first. We pride ourselves on the relationships we have inside the office as well as in the community. We thrive on the subtleties of building and nurturing connections, so working as a boutique agency allows us to stay tightly knit, highly collaborative and creatively focused. We want to know you, and we want you to know us.

Cultivating community is more than just our brand promise. To us, it means falling in love with your business. It means understanding the nitty-gritty details that matter. It means serving as an extension of your team and providing dedicated support wherever you have the greatest need.

At the end of the day, you can count on our experience, skill, gumption and — most of all — our partnership to get you the results you crave.

meet our team
Careers at parthenon

Explore opportunities with us today.

Internships Available

Are you a rock star PR student interested in hands-on experience? If so, reach out to Jobs@ParthenonPR.com with your resume to apply for our internship program.

We offer spring, summer and fall opportunities
Paid and class credit options available
What Clients Say

“Not only has the team secured us incredible local and national coverage, but they also actively provide suggestions for our property to participate in to gain more exposure to the hotel and outlets. The Parthenon team has an unmatched level of creativity and is ever-flowing with new ideas to get the word out about all the property has to offer. On top of that, they have an expert level of professionalism and are absolutely delightful to work with.”